This group photograph was taken when Riverside Presbytery’s Apple Valley new worshipping community, Transformation Multi-Cultural Fellowship (TMF), hosted Presbyterian Church of East Africa (PCEA) leadership at TMF, July 2018. The late Rev. Peter Kaniah Kariuki is second right next to Jeff Mague. Rev. Kariuki became the Secretary-General of PCEA in 2015 and had one year left in that role. A humble, courageous Minister of the Gospel. He died at 54 years young and leaves behind, his beloved wife, Nelius, and their wonderful children Lydia, Kenneth, and Joel. He is greatly missed. His Memorial Service was held at the historic Church of the Torch in Kikuyu, Kenya, July 30, 2020. Thank you for the prayers offered to God in gratitude for Rev. Peter Kaniah Kariuki’s service, for his family and the Presbyterian Church of East Africa. ‘O death where is your victory?’
The Late Rev. Peter Kaniah at TMF Apple Valley